The electronics program at BeAM encompasses a variety of subjects, from simple circuits to programmable microcontrollers. BeAM provides tools for use like soldering irons, and simple circuit components (resistors, LEDs, etc.), but users must purchase their own microcontrollers. Check out the infographic below to explore an example electronics station in the Murray makerspace.
BeAM Electronics Workstation
Training and Resources
Click on the ‘Tool Training’ button below to learn how to complete the Electronics training at BeAM.
Finished with the training, but looking for more resources? Click on the ‘Quick Guides’ for helpful reference material, or the ‘Project Ideas’ for design suggestions.
Get Trained
Step 1: Take the Online Quiz in Canvas
Complete the online Electronics quiz and earn 100%. NOTE: you will not be able to access this module until you have completed BeAM 101!
Step 2: No Training Project Required
Using electronics at BeAM does not require a training project at this time (just the training quiz listed in Step 1). Come in and use the electronics benches at Murray after you’ve completed the quiz!