Wood Shop
Tools in this Category
The wood shops at BeAM contain a range of tools, including bandsaws, drill presses, scroll saws, miter saws, and belt sanders. BeAM provides limited hardware (nuts, bolts, etc.) and scraps, but users must supply their own wood for use in the wood shops. Check out the graphic below to see examples of tools found in the Murray wood shop.
The Murray Wood Shop
Training and Resources
Click on the ‘Tool Training’ button below to learn how to complete the Wood Shop training at BeAM.
Finished with the training, but looking for more resources? Click on the ‘Quick Guides’ for helpful reference material, or the ‘Project Ideas’ for design suggestions.
You must complete the introductory BeAM 101 training before you can complete any of the BeAM tool trainings. Learn more here.
Training Introduction
All BeAM tool trainings contain an online module with a Training Introduction quiz that must be completed before moving on to the training project. Access the Wood Shop module on the BeAM Canvas site here.
Training Project
After you finish the online module, you must complete a training project for that tool. Wood Shop requires a staff-guided training project, which means that you must attend one of the scheduled Wood Shop training sessions after completing the online module.
See a list of scheduled Wood Shop sessions in the BeAM Coworks app.
Quick Guides