UNC Makers and supporters are invited to participate in Carolina’s Fall 2024 BeAM MakerFest! Show off your creations from class or personal projects, or share your ideas and prototypes from research or entrepreneurial efforts. There will be prizes, maker competitions, mini-events, hands-on maker challenges, as well as refreshments. No matter your experience level or reason for making, or even if you just want to support makers and check it out, everyone is welcome.
Let us know if you’re planning on attending by registering through HeelLife here: Thanks for being a part of the maker community at UNC and we hope to see you, your friends, and coworkers on December 4th.
Exhibitor applications have CLOSED for Fall 2024 – please email
Anna Engelke at with any questions.
Want to be a MakerFest exhibitor and win MakerFest awards?
Sign up to reserve your spot by Monday, November 11th!
Exhibitor capacity is limited, and table space is assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Photos: University Communications, MakerFest 2021

MakerFest Awards:
If you exhibit a project at MakerFest, you have the chance to win several fabulous prizes provided by RYOBI Tools along with award medals made by BeAM staff! Some of these awards are Audience Choice, meaning that the MakerFest attendees will vote on a winner, while others are Judges’ Choice, where a panel of professionals will choose a winner for each category. Check out the descriptions below
Audience Choice:
Judge’s Choice:
RYOBI Innovative Maker Award
- Prototypes a thoughtful solution to a real-world problem
- Made using handheld BeAM tools (e.g. power drill, rotary tool, etc.)
UNC Academic Impact Award
- Connects project design to academic coursework
- Uses making to advance knowledge of a subject
KEEN Entrepreneurial Mindset Award
- Novel connection to emerging research or interdisciplinary applications
- Uses making to advance knowledge of a subject
BeAM Staff Spotlight Award
- Awarded to an individual or a group that works at BeAM
- Voted on by BeAM staff
MakerFest Maps and Programs:
Fall 2021 MakerFest Exhibitors
Spring 2022 MakerFest Exhibitors
Fall 2022 MakerFest Exhibitors
Spring 2023 MakerFest Exhibitors
Fall 2023 MakerFest Exhibitors
Spring 2024 MakerFest Exhibitors
Fall 2024 MakerFest Exhibitors